As part of the research project "Detecting APTs Targeting Network Devices" a social network honeypot platform for detecting attackers during the reconnaissance phase was implemented. Key competence/ functionalities of the platform include: collecting information from SNs, generating and monitor artificial profiles, and wiring profiles within the social network.
Social Network Honeypot
References and Links to Papers
Abigail Paradise, Rami Puzis, Asaf Shabtai, "Anti-Reconnaissance Tools: Detecting Targeted Socialbots" ,IEEE Internet Computing ,18 (5): 11-19 (2014) . [google]
Abigail Paradise, Asaf Shabtai, Rami Puzis, "Detecting Organization-Targeted Socialbots through Efficient and Cost-Effective Monitoring of Social Network Profiles" ,ASONAM (2015) ,Paris, France. [google]
Yasmin Bokobza, Abigail Paradise, Guy Rapaport, Rami Puzis, Bracha Shapira, Asaf Shabtai, "Leak Sinks: The Threat of Targeted Social Eavesdropping" ,ASONAM (2015) ,Paris, France. [google]
Rami Puzis, Yuval Elovici, "Active discovery of hidden profiles in social networks using malware" ,Cyber Warfare ,S. Jajodia et al ,Springer (2015) . [google]
Abigail Paradise, Rami Puzis, Aviad Elyashar, Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai, "Creation and Management of Social Network Honeypots for Detecting Targeted Cyber Attacks" ,IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (IEEE T-CSS) ,accepted (2017) . [google]
Abigail Paradise, Asaf Shabtai, Rami Puzis, "Socialbots" ,Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis & Mining (ESNAM), 2nd edition ,Reda Alhajj ,Springer (2017) . [google]
Abigail Paradise, Dvir Cohen, Rami Puzis, Asaf Shabtai, "ProfileGen: Generation of Automatic and Realistic Artificial Profiles" ,ASONAM (2018) . [google]